ClubHouse Online Email Marketing offers you the capability to plan campaigns, set up automated follow-ups, and monitor conversions.

What is ClubHouse Online Email Marketing?

ClubHouse Online Email Marketing is seamlessly integrated with your Technyk Club Software System, enabling you to tailor messages based on data collected from members, guests, and prospects. This feature empowers you to boost attendance at club events by directing your efforts towards members who are most likely to participate.

Integration your members will love

Comprehensive Reporting

Effortlessly monitor each campaign's delivery and open rates, as well as the click-through rates on individual links within messages. You can export this data as a spreadsheet or convert it into a mailing list for further communication.


Send targeted communications based on member or guest actions, whether at the club or on your website. For instance, if a member hasn't made a purchase in 60 days, an automatic email can be sent to encourage them to visit the club.


Focus on particular segments of membership by utilizing criteria like preferences, purchasing behavior, demographics, geographic location, or any other member-specific data tracked within your Technyk Club Management system.


Effortlessly set up emails to be sent at a future date. You can also schedule messages to be sent a second time to recipients who didn't click or open your initial emails.

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